How to create Backlinks?

Remember, Backlinks are off-page SEO an important part. And with this, you can take your blog or website to a much better rank in the Google search engine. The more backlinks there of the website, the better will be the domain authority of your blog. And the better the domain authority, the faster your articles will be placed in Google.

As a result, your website will get more traffic from Google every day. The domain authority of the blog is more important to Google. If you want to be a successful blogger, you need to get visitors from the Google search engine and for that, you need to start working by knowing How to create backlinks.

However, I think there are many bloggers who don’t really know what a backlink is. And how to create backlinks. As a result, they receive less traffic from Google. That’s why in today’s article I will tell you what a website backlink is and how to create an SEO backlink. Let’s see (What are the backlinks?)

What’s the backlink?

Backlinks are an important part of search engine optimization (SEO). To increase your website’s domain authority, search engine preference, and search engine ranking, you have to create backlinks to the website.

In simple terms, a backlink is a URL link to another website. In this way, you will get an external link for your website from that website.

For example,

I wrote an article for my blog. In this article, I have given you the URL address of your blog. In this, you will get a quality backlink for your blog or website. In this way, when you have your own website URL address on another website, every external link will be a backlink to your website.

Among these backlinks, Google bots Your website passed link juice. This will increase the trust of Google in your website and gradually improve the Google search ranking of the website. I hope you understand the backlink. Let me tell you what type of backlinks are? Let’s find out below.

What are the types of backlinks? (Type of backlink)

Below I will tell you what are the types of backlinks. You will get to know it better.

Internal links: Internal links are the backlinks that are within our articles. When we write an article, we have to create a backlink with an internal link to our website.

External links: External links are links to your website from other websites. A link from another website to your website is called an external link.

Link juice: When a backlink is created through a hyperlink to another’s website, Google bots follow that link and pass the link juice to the website. It increases your website’s domain authority and search engine traffic.

Low-quality links: When there is a backlink from a low-quality, spam website on your blog, it affects your blog. Keep in mind that this type of backlink is harmful to your site.

High-quality links: When a link comes to your blog from a good website, it is called a high-quality backlink. A good website has good DA and PA.

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No Follow Backlinks: When the rel = nofollow tag is used, it is called a no follow backlink. These links are not Google bots. That’s why they don’t work.

Do follow links: When the rel = nofollow tag is not used, it is called a do follow link. Google passes through these links. That’s why these links are so useful.

Friends, then I am unable to understand what is the type of backlink and what is it. Now I will tell you how to create a backlink on the website. So let’s find out below.

How to create a backlink (How to create backlinks in English tutorial)

You will find many websites to create backlinks. Don’t accept backlinks from websites with low domain authority. Always try to get backlinks from good and high-quality domain authorities. If you create multiple backlinks at the same time, Google may consider it spam. This will reduce the number of visitors from the Google search engine.

Many people want to know how to check the domain authority. Here’s a link for them. You can go to this link to find out the Domain Authority. Link –

5 Ways to Create Backlinks

The following methods are very effective. I’m creating a backlink for my website. If you want, you can create backlinks in this rule.

(1) The Quora website

Quora is a very popular question and answer website. Anyone can ask a question and anyone can answer it. When you answer people’s questions, give them a link to your website with the answer. This will create a backlink. Quora is a high quality domain authority website. The domain authority is 93. This is a very popular way for me to create backlinks.

(2) A guest post

The best and most profitable way to create a backlink is to post a guest. Because through this you will get contextual backlinks. Guest posting means writing and publishing content on someone else’s website related to your website. When you write content for someone else’s website, you link to the URL of your website.

You will get a good backup. Remember, you will post a guest on a website that has a higher DA and PA. You don’t have to do a lot of guest posting 2-3 times a month.

(3) Blog comment

Nowadays, many bloggers are adding article links to the comments of others’ blogs to create backlinks. You can create a backlink by adding the URL of the site in the comments of the article of a good website that matches the topic of your blog. Don’t use low quality and spam sites.

(4) Directory submission site

Some time ago this rule used to create backlinks, but now very few people use this rule. As a rule, you have to go to these websites and submit the URL address of your site. On such sites you will find links to thousands of sites. A few of these sites are listed below.

(5) Social media profiles

You can easily create backlinks from social media profiles to bring in a good amount of visitors. For this, you have to create a profile by going to various social media and enter the URL of your blog. A variety of social media,

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