5 ways to make a Small Bathroom Look Bigger

Small Bathroom Look Bigger
A medium-sized luxury bathroom is usually 10 feet by 15 feet. Currently, the bathroom is the biggest crisis area. There is little space for the bathroom to meet the needs of the bedroom, balcony, drawing room, and dining room. So many people face the challenge of making a small bathroom look bigger. 
Let’s look at how to make a small bathroom space look bigger.

1. Choose light-colored tiles. If two different colored objects of the same size are placed next to each other, the lighter color will appear larger. So choose white, a shade of white, or a light shade of any color.

2. Keep the size of the tiles large. The bigger the size of the tiles, the look bigger the bathroom will look. You can use unpaired tiles. There is continuity in the design of these tiles; the whole bathroom seems to be covered with one tile. As a result, the place looks bigger.

3. The idea of ​​filling an entire bathroom with the same tiles may sound boring to many. But the truth is, because of all the other elements in the bathroom, it doesn’t feel monotonous. If you still want to divide, you can use two types of close-design tiles of the same shade on the ceiling and walls. But remember, the more ‘contrast’ there is, the smaller the space will appear.

4. Bathroom fittings will look good if they are all in one color. If it is in harmony with the color of the tiles, then it is the best. For example, if your entire bathroom is white, you can make the fittings black. If the bathroom is light pink or coral in color, you can add a touch of gold to the fittings or use a light shade of any color in the tiles and a slightly darker shade in the fittings.

5. If you make a cabinet above the entrance door to the bathroom, it will be less noticeable. The fewer things there are in the bathroom, the more cluttered it will look. The place will look bigger.

Bathroom cleaning rules

* The main task of cleaning the bathroom is to keep the table clean. You can wipe the tiled floor with a cloth. In addition, you can use different types of mops. If it is a mosaic floor, sweep the water with a broom and then wipe it.

* Clean the pan or commode every two days with a liquid cleaner instead of using laundry detergent to clean the bathroom pan or commode.

Cleaning the bathroom basin is also very important. So clean the basin by mixing laundry detergent with bathroom cleaning liquid. If the basin is white, sprinkle Commode cleaning liquid, leave it for a while, and then scrub it with a brush.

* Wet newspaper to remove water droplets from the basin mirror. Be sure to wipe the mirror with a dry cloth every day after bathing.

* It is not possible to clean the tiles around the bathroom every day. So one day a week, wipe the tiles with a brush.

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Different types of liquids are available on the market. You can clean the floor and walls with them.

* To lessen cockroach breeding in the bathroom, run hot water over the toilet or pan using the bathroom pipe every night. Mix baking soda with water occasionally. As a result, the production of various insects, including cockroaches, will decrease.

* Ventilate the bathroom to eliminate dampness. Existing bathrooms are equipped with exhaust fans; if not, provide ventilation or window openings.

* Must keep fragrance in the bathroom. Different types of fragrant dried flowers are available on the market. Put it in a bowl and keep it in a dry place in the bathroom. Also, keep room freshener in the bathroom. Spread the fragrance by spraying it occasionally. If you want, you can put naphthalene in a big pan.

* Do not fill the bathroom with unnecessary buckets, mugs, brooms, or sandals; if there is extra space in the house, then keep these things there. It will be convenient to clean the bathroom.

* The entire bathroom gets wet during the shower. So put a shower curtain around the shower area. Then the whole look bigger of the bathroom will not get wet.

During the monsoons, many times fungus grows on the walls, corners, or ceiling of the bathroom. So, mix equal proportions of hydrogen peroxide with water and spray it on the affected area. Do this for a few days. Do not rub. Wipe off after spraying.

Place a laundry basket or waste paper bin in the bathroom. It will be convenient to collect dirty clothes or discarded packets, bottles, and other things together, and the bathroom will not be messy and unclean. Many people store extra towels, sheets, etc. in the bathroom cabinet. But in that case, there may be insect infestations in these closed places. So keep the cabinet covered with naphthalene or neem leaves. Doormats must be placed inside the bathroom and just outside the bathroom door.

* If marble is installed in the bathroom, remove the stone every two years. This will keep the marble looking good for a long time.

*If you have glazed tiles in the bathroom, wipe them with detergent and scrubbing pads once a month. It will not accumulate dirt.

Time to Build a Bathroom

Things to keep in mind while designing the bathroom:

* It is better to place the shower at the end so that the whole bathroom does not get wet during the shower. You can also use a shower curtain around the bathtub shower tray or shower system. If there is space in the bathroom, you can also install a shower enclosure.

* You can use marble or granite on the bathroom basin counter top.

Arrange your daily essentials on the basin counter. You can make a cabinet with waterproof material at the bottom of the counter.

* Bathroom tiles should not be slippery. If the bathroom is small, choose light-colored tiles instead of dark-colored tiles.

Black, dark, blue, or maroon-colored tiles should be avoided in the bathroom. Soap stains settle easily on such tiles and are difficult to clean. And the light in look bigger the bathroom also goes down.

* Add a beautiful basin and sparkling mirror to the bathroom entrance.

There are many decorative mirrors available on the market. If the bathroom is small, it will look bigger if you put a big mirror on the basin.

* The more visible the floor, the look bigger the bathroom will feel. Natural lighting is best suited for bathrooms. In many bathrooms, the windows are small or a little high, in which case there is not much light in the bathroom.

In this case, you can replace artificial light with natural light.

* You can install a glass shelf or corner cabinet on the bare wall of the bathroom. You can keep things here that you don’t use all the time but that are necessary. Such as towels, cosmetics, first aid, perfume, hair dryer, air freshener, wax, etc.

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